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in Firmwares by

Hi there,

My IMEI is 356900090252850; S/N is only on the box  404KPHG0758362 but not visible in OS; S/W V10c; Android 8.0.0; On the box, I have a date 10/2014 (!?)

Baseband version MPSS.AT.4.0.c2.9-00041-SDM845_GEN_PACK-1.147898.5.151473.1

Kernel version 4.9.65; Build number OPR1.170623.032; Software V10c-HKG-XX

The set was with a European charger, and the phone supports the B20 band although theoretically, AEW does not do this, I also have many European languages ​​in the system, but not all. This is a dual sim 6 / 128GB. LG in the UK confirmed that I have a test copy of the phone (possibly for journalists) but I will not have any support from them even for a fee. Neither repairs nor software changes.

The only visible problem so far is Gpay not working. The NFC module is up and running but I can't make contactless payments. Gpay suggests the phone have  ROOT and doesn't finish the configuration in-app. I bought  G7+ with original closed packaging.

What software to install to be android 9 and whether it will help with Gpay
I don't care about the dual sim function ...
Can anyone help me with this phone, please

Thank you for your time

1 Answer

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by admin (11.7k points)
Your phone is test model. You can't use this phone fully.