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in Firmwares by needinfo (120 points)
edited by needinfo
New IMEI 357758234659375 (IMEI SV 00; Modell LG-H815TR; Software Version V10c-OPT1-HQ). I reside in Germany. Thank you.

1 Answer

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by admin (11.7k points)
Whichever kdz i tried (including the recommended above), i have always got following prompt:
LG UP Software said: unknown model
LG FlashTool2014 said: required information cannot be found

Maybe the reason is, that the model of the substitute motherboard is LG-H815TR instead of LG-H815 of the former motherboard for Europe/Germany ?
by admin (11.7k points)
Do you connect phone in download mode?
yes, i did. The prompt on the smartphone was: Firmware update, do not unplug the USB connection ...
by admin (11.7k points)
Do you install LG USB driver?
yes i did, i could exchange files between the smartphone and the pc. This might be a prove, that the LG USB driver is installed correctly.
The windows device manager shows following entry: LGE Mobile USB Serial Port (COM3).
Please note, that according to the hardware info the Model number in the phone settings is specified as LG-H815TR. The former Model number of the defect motherboard was Model number LG-H815. (By the way, despite of different Model numbers "LG-H815" is printed on both motherboards).
Is it possible to install a kdz for Germany/Europe on a motherboard with LG-H815 imprint, which shows the Model number "LG-H815TR" as hardware info in the phone settings ?
by admin (11.7k points)
Thank you very much ! This worked.
Best Regards.