0 votes
in Firmwares by renatonog (120 points)
edited by renatonog
Hello.I have an LG STYLO 5 Q720CS, and I was wondering how can I install another Rom.It came from the USA and is blocked by Mycricket.

Can you help me ?Thanks for the welcome.

2 Answers

0 votes
by admin (11.7k points)

Use English please.
by renatonog (120 points)
sorry, I already made the correction.
0 votes
by thirstymick3481 (180 points)
try xda-forum. look for posts by a man named "warlockguitarman" . https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/how-to-unlock-bootloader-and-root-the-lg-stylo-6-and-k51-k61-and-other-k-model-lg-devices.4364489/post-86804459 try this link . in the comments are random different things. Along the lines of custom roms stock firmware obviously how to unlock bootloader , Root and more. also he is really busy..but if u ask he will find time to go through it with you or u can pay him I believe he will do it for you? don't quote me on that. this goes for LG Stylo 5 and 6 LG K51 K61 V61and prob more by now. Chipset Mt6765 was the main issue causer.

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