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in Firmwares by razvan.cretu.ca (120 points)
Hello forum team,

I have a peculiar situation: According the IMEI the cell is an LG V30+ (LGLS998U) from Sprint Network) - Android 7.2.1. But the specs in the Hardware info are: LG-H933 Rev.1.0, and the software is Android 7.2.1 baseband MPSS.AT.2.5.c1.2-00017-8998_GEN_PACK-1.112143.14 with the kernel 4.4.63, build N22G47H and soft version H93310f.

I use it in Canada with Rogers and seems to work, but the firmware is way to old for the security. Do you know what can do for upgrade it to Pie ?

Thank you

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