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in Phone by
hola buenas tardes tengo un problema con un equipo Lg Q stylus Q710fm firmware version Q71011w y no encuentro la rom correcta para pasar la flash por KDZ me pueden ayudar cual serie el firmware correcto para poder ingresar porque me quedo en reinicio continuo el equipo y antes funcionaba bien

1 Answer

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by admin (11.7k points)

Use English please.
by vittocel08 (100 points)
hello good afternoon I have a problem with an Lg Q stylus Q710fm firmware version Q71011w and I cannot find the correct rom to pass the flash through KDZ they can help me which series the correct firmware to enter because I stay in continuous restart the equipment and before it worked all right
by vittocel08 (100 points)
 I have a problem with an Lg Q stylus Q710fm firmware version Q71011w and I cannot find the correct rom to pass the flash through KDZ they can help me which series the correct firmware to enter because I stay in continuous restart the equipment and before it worked all right

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