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in Firmwares by admitars1028 (120 points)
Hey everybody this one goes out to the site admins.  I'm frustrated, stuck, and tired.  

My girlfriend gave me an old gave me a G710U ThinQ. She said it needs a new OS.  After toying with it, I will agree (this time) with her.  The OS is maybe corrupted.  I wanted to flash a stock ROM and be done with it.

I found your site . I thought I was getting somewhere, at last.  

Well, I got to the download page but I've been told  by your page I'm "a spammer".  The site also thinks I've downloaded files because I was notified to "come back tomorrow".  Tried it again and now I'm getting a message saying I have adBlocker, which is just not true.  Before I throw or smash this phone, I'm reaching out to you to say "WTF?"

The file I was attempting to download was: G710ULM20f_00_NAO_US_OP_0218.

Any insight or help would be greatly appreciated.  Can you just do you admin magic and tell the site, I'm cool I can download this rom, please.



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