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in Phone by jeremywilliams.home (120 points)
LG G6 Dual Sim

Phone purchased in UK for use in UK

IMEI: 356145084850018
Firmware H87020q_00 (ARE)
File: H870DS20q_00_OPEN_AME_DS_OP_0802.kdz
Android 8.x Oreo
ARE: United Arab Emirates (why I ended up with an ARE region phone I do not know)

PIE has not been released for ARE region. As I am UK based can I upgrade to a KDZ from another region for which PIE gas been released, the obvious candidates being UK (sim+sd card KDZ available, dual sim not available but I do not need dual sim only sim + sd card) or AUS (Dual Sim PIE KDZ available). Will installing either of these break my phone? Will I still have access to UK network infrastructure if it does install? If I try this and it installs but does not work can I re-install OREO DS for ARE region?

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