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3 Answers

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by auggiebendoggy (180 points)
Same happened to me.  My LG 8X was working fine with red pocket then I updated.  I believe it moved to android 11 and now it's really whacky.  as soon as i put in the red pocket att apns the phone just says "call ended" (my screen also blacks out till i hit the power button).  Also, this afternoon, my work landline could not even call my LG 8X, would just hang up.  RPM support was worthless.  The only way i can make or take phone calls is to remove the apn.

I'm thinking of doing a factory reset and if that doesn't work, I'm researching into flashing back to Android 10.  But that's scary.
its not the O S it is the modem. 5G is creeping in and our g* devices are not capable. if you dont have an att os and can change edit the APN then you are in lu8ck. I however have not been able to make or recieve voice calls since feb 21. ive got data but no call in or out just hangs up immediately and black screen. however as I am composing this I am working to reBrand my sprint?AT&T G8  unlocked to an open carrier unlocked canadian G8. at  least ill have control over the network settings this way. BUTT still no 5G
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It's the att network. Happened to me on Feb 21 . exact same thing though I did not upgrade they did. And being as my att g8 won't let me change the apn I'm flashing to another carrier today. I'll let you know how it goes.
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My phone is dog