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how do i boit into fastboot mode on lnx210ulma. adb reboot bootloader does not work nor does the option in recovery nor do key presses

1 Answer

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by admin (11.7k points)
Try in setting - developer options enable OEM Unlock and after this reboot in bootloader mode.
yes i have done that. I have tried using adb and all other means of getting the job done but no go. i have never had a problem with doing this on an lg before. im wondering if its a softwarecglitch and if flashing firmware might fix it?
by admin (11.7k points)
Maybe on this phone bootloader is closed.
uhhhh maybe? I came to lg for an answer. I hoping to get a definite. But no i dont think the bootloader is closed or supposed to be. There is TWRP recovery made for it but the usual steps do not seem to apply.

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