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Is it possible to by-pass the Google Factory Reset Protection (GFR)?

My original LG G5 was dropped, I replaced the screen but the phone powers up but no backlight (the power button did not work before the drop) so I purchased G5 on eBay and to be fair to the seller they did highlight the phone seemed to be locked so I trust that it was a genuine sale.

I tried:

- flashing Nougat and Marshmallow versions of Android, then following guide tried a factory reset after flashing Marshmallow. However when powering on and holding volume keys I just get the LG logo
- followed a video when you gain access to chrome then settings and then apps to clear cache and disable Google play services - clearly a fake solution though

For the record the G5 in question is a H840 variant.


1 Answer

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by admin (11.7k points)
Only in services. Need special tool.

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